Racers who do not have a bike number will not be scored. If there is another race with the same number, please make sure to add a letter. Club members (if both are club members, then the racer who has been a member the longest) have priority in regards to assigned bike numbers
Any disputes must go through management. Under no circumstances is a rider allowed to approach another rider with any form of a
dispute. In the event such an incident occurs the management reserves the right to suspend either rider for a long as up to one year from
club racing.
Be sure to enter your proper class and ability level. If a rider has been determined that their level far exceeds the level they have signed up
for that rider will be moved up to the next skill level and half the points accumulated to that point will carry forward to the new class. We are
encouraging riders to be sure to race within their skill levels to make it fair for the other riders in that class.
Practice is only permitted during times specified on race day. Any riders found practicing in the wrong practice session may be docked up
to one lap in their first moto.
Any promotions before, during and after a CALVMX event that is not CALVMX sponsored must be approved by management ahead of time.
Awards will be awarded in the following manner:
(You MUST be present at the award ceremony to receive your award for the day. No exceptions).
* 1st place to anyone who finishes both motos with more accumulated points than any other rider in that class.
* 2nd place awards will be given to the rider with the most accumulated points if 4 or more riders finish a minimum of 1 moto per
race in that class.
* 3rd place awards will be given to the rider with the most accumulated points if 7 or more riders finish a minimum of 1 moto per
race in that class.
* 4th place awards will be given to the rider with the most accumulated points if 10 or more riders finish a minimum of 1 moto per
race in that class.
* 5th place awards will be given to the rider with the most accumulated points if 13 or more riders finish a minimum of 1 moto per
race in that class.
* 6th place awards will be given to the rider with the most accumulated points if 16 or more riders finish a minimum of 1 moto per
race in that class.
* 2022 Motocross is a 1 Series year with 6 races. Awards will be given to riders who race a minimum of 4 out of 6 races . 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th place
awards will be given based on how many riders are in that class.
*2022 Flat Track is a 1 Series year with 7 races. Awards will be given to riders with a minimum of 4 out of 7 races.
* Only club members qualify for CALVMX points. Membership after a race has occurred will not qualify the rider to be credited the
points earned while not a member.
* Ironman awards will be given for calendar year performance.
* Ironman points ending in a tie, the trophy will be awarded to the rider with the oldest
Flat Track Raffle available for each class for all racers.
The years' raffle tickets will be randomly chosen during the following year's awards ceremony. Winners must be present.
Media: CALVMX will have the option to use any photos, videos taken during a CALVMX event for future promotions.